What the Wechsler Tests Measure:
The tests measure a range different cognitive skills that include:
- Verbal Comprehension (VCI): Assesses reasoning, vocabulary, and understanding of language.
- Working Memory (WMI): Evaluates attention, memory, and concentration.
- Processing Speed (PSI): Looks at how quickly and accurately someone can complete simple tasks.
- Visual Spatial Index (VSI) measures a person’s ability to perceive, analyse, and manipulate visual information and spatial relationships.
- Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI) assesses a person’s capacity for logical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to reason abstractly, especially in novel situations.
Test Structure:
The tests consist of subtests like:
- Similarities (measuring verbal reasoning),
- Block Design (assessing visual-spatial abilities),
- Digit Span (measuring working memory),
- Coding (assessing processing speed).
Each subtest is scored individually, and the results form a profile of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.